Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Conservatives believe that immigration is something that needs to have strict limits and regulations on. They believe that 9/11 had a lot to do with illegal immigration and terrorism is more apparent with illegal immigrants. Also, that there should be a wall put up at the American/Mexican border to limit it as much as possible. Most illegal immigrants and fraud documents and many recieve welfare and benefits that only citizens should have. Also, that if children of illegal immigrants are born here, they should not gain citizenship. Liberla support immigration and think it should not be done illegally, but the regulations should be more loose. They think that immigrants are good and help are economy.

I am personally very conservative on this topic. I believe there should be tight restrictions on immigration. That there should be a wall built, it has a direct link to terrorism. I read that 2/3 of all terrorist acts were be illegal immigrants. Also, that we should have one common USA id that employers must run a full security check to ensure it is not fraud. I think that it is crap that illegal immigrants come here and take our jobs because they can get paid less, that some get benefits of a citizen, and that their children are born as citizens and that tax payers pay $28 million for their children to be born, when they don't pay a dime. A lot come here and don't even show an initiative to learn the language. Immigration should be very strict in the US. The presentatiuon didn't go very well.

School Prayer

Conservatives believe that school prayer should be present in all schools. They think that it will limit violence and teach children good values. Liberals believe that it should not be held, because not all kids are chistian and that they may get discriminated against if they don't take a part in it.

I personally believe that it should not be present in public school, because it is not revelent. I believe that if a student feels that he/she needs to leave class and pray, then they should be allowed to. The presentation went well, I think it is a topic that most people have an opinion on and can put some input into to make good arguments.

Gay Rights

Conservatives believe that homo sexuals should not be able to get married. They believe that it is going against religion and this country was found by Christians and we should follow certain values such as not accepting gay marriage; that marriage is a sacred ceremony only between a male and a female. Most conservatives believe that being gay is a choice. Liberals believe that gay marriage should be and accepted law. They believe that peoiple should not be judged based on their sexual orientation and any two people have the right to get married. Most liberals think that being gay was something your born with.

I am personally liberal on this topic. I completely support gay marriage. Why would someone chose to be homosexual? Why would someone chose to be "different", "unacceptable", or to be discriminated against? i don't think people neccessarily want to be this way, they just are. I also believe it is not the governments right, responsibility, or place to tell homosexuals that they cannot get married. The presentation went well, especially the conversation. It is a hot and controversial topic, yet it is mostly opinion based.


The conservative viewpoint is pro-life that abortion should not be legal, expect for certain circumstances. They believe that abortion is murdering a child, they view it was killing a person. However, if one was raped or if it was very dangerous for the mother to give birth and would risk her life, than they think that abortion could be used for those circumstances. Also, there are other alternatives, such as adoption, where you could give up the child without killing it. Liberals believe that abortion should be legal. They think that it is terminating an undeveloped life and not as murder. They think that anyone should be able to get an abortion because the conditions would be more safe.

I would be moderate about abortion between the liberals and conservatives. I believe that performing an abortion is killing a life and there are better alternatives such as adoption. However, I also believe people should be able to chose for themselves if they should get one or not; it is not the governments right to place those restrictions. the presentation went well, the conversation was difficult because it is mostly opinion.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Conservatives vs. Liberals

Conservatives have the political viewpoint to preserve existing conditions or restore traditional ones and limit change. Liberals favor “maximum individual freedom, guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection of civil liberties. They are open to new ideas for “progress and are tolerant of the ideas and behaviors of others.” Most conservatives are pro-life, do not support gay rights/marriage, are strict on immigration, etc. Liberals typically take the opposing argument on these topics. Other topics conservatives and liberals may fight over is war, gun control, taxation, health care, social security, the environment (ie. Global Warming), business regulation, education (ie. school prayer and curriculum), the first amendment, and foreign policy.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Lyrics: Irreplaceable-Beyonce (Blog #4)

I did my project on Beyonce Knowles.  I chose the song Irreplaceable.  This song deciphers women empowerment and confidence.  The song discusses her kicking out her boyfriend because he was cheating on her.  She continues to say how she doesn't need him because she can replace him easily.  I like the lyrics to this song because it is one of the few songs that signifies women empowerment and confidence, not vulnerability under men.

Lyrics: www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/beyonceknowles/irreplaceable.html

Response to Quote (Blog #5)

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and tour peers to buy your product."

It's not a shame, because humans as do all creatures have the natural instinct to put themselves before others.  If the consumer was in the sellers shoes, the consumer would do the same thing; anyone would.  I guess it's not morally correct, but it's something that most people would do to benefit themselves.