Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The conservative viewpoint is pro-life that abortion should not be legal, expect for certain circumstances. They believe that abortion is murdering a child, they view it was killing a person. However, if one was raped or if it was very dangerous for the mother to give birth and would risk her life, than they think that abortion could be used for those circumstances. Also, there are other alternatives, such as adoption, where you could give up the child without killing it. Liberals believe that abortion should be legal. They think that it is terminating an undeveloped life and not as murder. They think that anyone should be able to get an abortion because the conditions would be more safe.

I would be moderate about abortion between the liberals and conservatives. I believe that performing an abortion is killing a life and there are better alternatives such as adoption. However, I also believe people should be able to chose for themselves if they should get one or not; it is not the governments right to place those restrictions. the presentation went well, the conversation was difficult because it is mostly opinion.

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